Beginilah Jika Allah Swt Menurunkan Hidayah Nya
Sebuah kisah nyata dari Pesantren.
Cerita ini "Beginilah Jika Allah Swt Menurunkan Hidayah Nya" saya
dapatkan dari guru ngaji saya. Konon ada orang tua yang menitipkan anak
laki-laki kecil kepada pengasuh pesantren Alm Syech Ali Wafa. Sebut saja
namanya santri baru, yang gemar berkelahi dengan teman sebayanya.
Semenjak tinggal di pesantren si santri
baru suka sekali mencuri jagung di sekitar pesantren tempat saya ngaji.
Tapi sekarang sebagian tanah yang dulunya di tanami jagung berubah
menjadi Madrasah. Syafi'i kecil (nama kecil panggilan guru ngaji saya)
dan santri baru suka sekali membuat keributan di pesantren. Terkadang
santri baru itu suka sekali menggoda teman-temannya yang sedang mengaji
di masjid yang berada di tengah-tengah kompleks pesantren.
Disaat teman-temannya sedang belajar mengaji di masjid, santri baru
hanya berdiam diri di depan kamar yang terbuat dari bambu. Di pondok
setiap kamar bisa di isi sampai 8-10 orang. Tidak banyak yang dia
kerjakan, dia hanya duduk memandang langit dan bintang menunggu
teman-temannya selesai ngaji. Pengasuh pondok hanya bisa tersenyum
melihat tingkah laku santri barunya. Meskipun semua santri belajar al
qur'an dan kitab, tidak pernah sekalipun Syech menyuruh santri barunya
itu untuk ikut ngaji bersama. Apalagi memaksa, tidak pernah.
Menginjak usia 15 tahun, dia tetap saja bandel. Tidak pernah sekalipun
kakinya menyentuh masjid di pesantren untuk belajar ngaji. Malah dia
mempunyai kegiatan sendiri.
Setiap dini hari
sebelum teman-temannya bangun (kira-kira jam 1-3 malam), dia mengisi
kamar mandi di pesantren. Kamar mandi di pesantren itu jumlahnya ada 9.
Setiap kamar mandi, bak air kira-kira ukurannya 2,5 meter x 1 meter.
Tingginya seukuran perut orang dewasa. Tiap dini hari santri baru selalu
mengisi semua kamar mandi tersebut sampai semuanya penuh. Dan ketika
teman-temannya melaksanakan sholat Dzuhur dan Ashar, dia mengisi kamar
mandi lagi. Intinya, tidak pernah teman-temannya mengisi kamar mandi
jika ingin mandi atau wudlu.
Setelah kamar mandi
penuh, dia berangkat ke hutan sendirian. Dikala teman-temannya
melaksanakan sholat subuh dan mendengarkan kuliah subuh, dia justru
mencari kayu bakar. Dia mengambil ranting-ranting pohon yang sudah tua,
hanya berbekal parang. Dengan pondok jaraknya kira-kira 2-3 km dari
tempat dia mencari kayu bakar. Setelah dirasa cukup di membawanya ke
sebelah dapur tempat menyimpan kayu bakar. Paling sedikit dia harus 4-5
kali bolak balik membawa kayu bakar yang dia peroleh. Pekerjaan ini juga
di lakukan setiap hari setelah dia mengisi kamar mandi.
Selalu membalikkan sandal teman-temannya saat berada di masjid. Sandal
itu dibalik arahnya, sehingga jika teman-temannya keluar masjid langsung
memakainya dan tidak perlu di putar lagi sandalnya. Sedangkan terompa
milik pengasuh pondok di lap pakai kain basah yang sudah disucikan.
Kemudia terompa itu di bungkus dengan daun pisang agar tidak kena debu.
Hal ini setiap hari dilakukan saat dia selesai melaksanakan pekerjaan
mengisi kamar mandi dan mencari kayu bakar.
hari jum'at, ketika teman-temannya selesai melaksanakan sholat jum'at
dia mengepel lantai dan menjemur tikar ayaman yang terbuat dari daun.
Jika ada teman-temannya yang merasa kasihan terus membantu dia, justru
dia marah-marah. Anehnya teman-temannya disuruh baca al qur'an atau
disuruh ke sawah untuk mencari rumput buat makanan ternak. Sampai
sekarang masih ada beberapa kambing dan sapi, jika idul adha disembelih
buat Houl Akbar. Begitu seterusnya jika hari jum'at tiba.
Ok...singkat cerita, Ibu Nyai (Istrinya Syech) suatu malam ke kamar
mandi untuk mengambil wudlu. Cincin kesayangannya yang semula di taruh
di pinggir kamar mandi tiba-tiba jatuh dan masuk ke dalam saluran Septic
Tank (red=spiteng). Ke esokan harinya selesai sholat subuh pengasuh
pondok memangggil santri barunya dan menceritakan kepadanya jika cincin
Ibu Nyai jatuh. Santri itupun menyanggupi akan membongkar Septic Tank
dan berusaha akan menemukan kembali cincin Ibu Nyai.
Malam hari
di saat teman-temannya tertidur, diam-diam dia membongkar Septic Tank
dan mengurasnya. Alhamdulillah cincin itu di temukan, dan dia bergegas
ke sungai untuk mandi dan membersihkan tubuhnya. Kemudian dengan
perasaan takut, dia menemui pengasuh pesantren yang kebetulan waktu itu
ada di dalam masjid bersama-sama dengan teman lainnya. Melihat santri
barunya masuk masjid, teman-temannya tertawa. Memang kejadian yang
sangat langka, karena santri baru ini paling anti untuk masuk ke masjid.
Kemudian pengasuh pondok mempersilahkan kepada semua santrinya
(termasuk guru ngaji saya) untuk meninggalkan mereka berdua.
Entah apa yang di perbincangkan sejak pagi tadi antara santri baru
dengan pengasuh pondok, tiba-tiba acara ngaji kitab untuk malam ini
diliburkan. Semua santri dibuat bingung. Tidak biasanya pengasuh pondok
meliburkan ngaji kitab, padahal beliau tidak sakit ataupun kedatangan
tamu. Semua santri di pondok disuruh mengaji sendiri di bilik bambu
(kamar pondok), tidak di perkenankan mendekati masjid apalagi masuk
masjid malam itu. Semua kegiatan termasuk sholat dan dzikir dilakukan
berjamah di dalam kamar masing-masing.
Tiba-tiba Syech
(Pengasuh pondok) keluar dari rumah (dalem = istilah pondok) dengan
memakai jubah dan tongkat kesayangannya. Di belakangnya tampak santri
baru (si tukang pencari kayu bakar) sama dengan Syech lengkap memakai
jubah putih. Ratusan mata terbelalak melihat penampilan ke 2 orang
tersebut. Tak lama kemudian, Syech dan santri baru masuk ke dalam
masjid, lampu petromak di dalam masjid tidak dinyalakan dan tetap gelap.
Santri satu dengan yang lainnya saling menduga-duga, rasa heran muncul
di setiap benak mereka. Tak lama kemudia hujan turun cukup deras dan
disertai gemuruh halilintar. Diantara para santri sudah tidak tahan
menunggu Syeck dan santri baru keluar dari masjid, karena penasaran. Dan
sebagian lagi sudah tertidur pulas di kamarnya.
Suara ayam
berkokok, pertanda waktu subuh sudah dekat. Para santri yang tetap
terjaga membangunkan temannya yang tidur. Suasana pondok mulai ramai
ketika para santri berebut ke kamar mandi, ada juga di antara mereka
masih bermalas-malasan. Sayup-sayup dari dalam masjid tersengar suara
kumandang Adzan, suaranya sangat menyayat hati. Apakah sang Syech
mengumandangkan Adzan subuh? Bukan ...saya hafal betul suara Syech. Lalu
siapa...yang jelas bukan Syech. Apakah itu suara santri baru ? Bukan
....saya sering becanda sama dia. mana mungkin dia bisa mengumandangkan
Adzan sampai merdu seperti itu? Mungkin seperti itulah tanya jawab di
antara penghuni pondok. Semua santri makin bingung, dan tidak percaya
jika teman barunya yang Adzan subuh.
Tak lama kemudian Syech
keluar di teras masjid menyuruh anak-anak melaksanakan sholat subuh
berjamaah. Seperti biasa setelah Adzan puji-pujian dibaca oleh semua
jamaah. Dirasa semua santri sudah berada di masjid tiba-tiba Syech
berdiri, pertanda Sholat subuh dimulai. Bukannya Syech yang menjadi
Imam, malah sebaliknya santri baru itu dengan yakin maju ke depan menuju
pengimaman. "Sebuah kemustahilan.....bagaimana bisa seorang anak yang
puluhan tahun tidak pernah menyentuh al quran dan membacanya, tidak
pernah sholat wajib ataupun sunnah, tidak pernah ngaji kitab, tidak
pernah belajar ilmu-ilmu fiqh, tiba-tiba sekarang menjadi seorang imam?"
Apalagi salah satu jamaah nya seorang Syech yang sangat di hormati.
Kegaduhan mulai terjadi sebelum sholat subuh, kemudian Syech menyuruh
para santri untuk segera merapatkan shaf nya.
Dengan suara
lantang, tartil dan tajwid, santri baru itu begitu lancar membaca al
fatihah dan surah-surah pendek. Suasana pagi yang hening itu, berubah
menjadi suara tangis. Banyak diantara para santri menangis ketika sholat
subuh, dalam hati mereka melihat keagungan dan kebesaran Allah Swt.
Dimana salah satu temannya terpilih mendapatkan hidayah Nya. Keikhlasan
santri baru mengabdi kepada Syech hanya semata-mata karena Allah Swt.
Semua pekerjaan yang dilakukan sejak kecil penuh dengan keikhlasan,
tanpa dia meminta bantuan apalagi imbalan. Sebetulnya banyak kisah-kisah
yang di lakukan oleh santri baru, yang menurut manusia awan tidak masuk
akal. Jika Allah Swt sudah berkenan kepada hamba pilhanNya, siapa yang
sanggup menolak?
Beginilah Jika Allah Swt Menurunkan Hidayah
Nya, bukan dengan cara atau kemauan kita. Allah memberikan contoh kepada
kita bagaimana bekerja dengan rasa ikhlas. Jika hal ini dilakukan ,
akan lebih mudah bagi kita untuk meraih limpahan hidayah Allah, kapanpun
dan dimanapun kita berada. Namun jika belum mau juga, tampaknya kita
harus menderita terlebih dulu sebelum melakukan perubahan.
tatkala dia cukup dewasa Kami berikan kepadanya hikmah dan ilmu.
Demikianlah Kami memberi balasan kepada orang-orang yang berbuat baik.
[Yusuf : 12]
Hi there,
How’s your life? Wish you okay.
Well, I am in rush bloody stress hours. Not look like an angel. I always have not alot of sexiest dreams. Dreaming that I can sail around the world with someone loves me much muaaacchhh. Making stories with you only. Then, being a wife and a mother of your children. Going to make a lil’ family. In short, I am a cool dreamer. *oops* Lately, my days changed. Totally not wrong if people thinks that I am a lebay gal. Yap, no offense about it. I admit. So, please let me tell something called confession. Let me introduce my (really) myself. *weak bow* What is it? First, I am an ordinary girl. Just really ordinary! I can smile with nothing. No causing. Crying when you tell about what life love is. Yess, I can cry suddenly when see romantic movie. Or becoming shy when somebody saying “Hey, . How beautiful you are!“. *really?* Second, I am lil’ shy in telling what I want. I prefer write what I feel than show it. But, truthly I am not a shy girl. Just can’t say when I meet somebody that steal my deepest life! My lips’s totally freezed! Stuck. *hate* They say, “speechless niyeee“. Third, last but least, I am totally sensitive about who people that love my love! *headache* Well, make it simple. I am a very very very jealousy girl! Urgh, parahnya saya. I can kill any people named ‘woman’ in da world who wants to steal my love it’s you from me. I can be a murderer if you need. Easy, it’s just my dream. Still kinds of my bad side. Deal? I am totally woman! Even people always said “Talking with u just like talking with a guy. She has a quite thinking like a man. Thinking or responsing problem logically“. Well, thanks for it. But, again I am still a girl! *hit* Need understanding more than you do, man! Oh, man. I am just telling what really you supposed to know. *please!* I wake up this morning with no smile. Why? Simple answer, I’m sad. Can’t feel what must I feel. Can’t touch what most I want. And, simple again. I just cry! Remember that you’re not allowed tobe in my dream! *sigh* I do not hate it much. Bloody hits me! I scream loudly in my heart. Why? What happen in me actually? *sigh* Oh, that’s me! What a strange girl, huh?
Senin, 17 Juni 2013
hijab?? because i love Allah
I wear my hijab/niqab for ALLAH,
Not for my father
Not for my brother
Not for any other Than ALLAH
I cover myself for ALLAH,
No one makes me
No one forsakes me
No one rejects me
No one subjects me
My modesty is for ALLAH,
Commanded in Qu'ran
For Him and no one else
Seeking His reward
Moving closer toward ALLAH....
Not for my father
Not for my brother
Not for any other Than ALLAH
I cover myself for ALLAH,
No one makes me
No one forsakes me
No one rejects me
No one subjects me
My modesty is for ALLAH,
Commanded in Qu'ran
For Him and no one else
Seeking His reward
Moving closer toward ALLAH....
ameen ya Allah (ida)
The best blessing a Muslim can receive in this
world is a righteous and pious spouse. A
spouse who will raise your children upon the
Quran and Sunnah. A spouse who turns the
home into a place of peace and tranquility
where the worship of Allah is present all the time. May Allah grant all the Muslim a spouse
like this. Ameen!
why do Muslim women wear Hijab,,,?
Why should women
wear it?
We can have some Muslims who unjustly or ignorantly deny the illegality of drinking alcohol, eating pork or even committing major sins like stealing, fornicating… etc. This does not mean that such things are permitted in Islam! In Islam it is very easy to detect or judge whether a certain ruling is mandatory or not, by going back to the major sources of Islamic legislation. This we technically name as ‘shari'a’. Those sources are the Qur'an, the Holy Book of Muslims, and sunnah, which is the sayings and guiding acts of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as stated in authentic books. So, simply this is the very same case with hijab.
Notice that this ruling of hijab, is highly esteemed among Muslim women, despite the big pressure of most regimes in the Muslim majority world to forbid it. Sometimes it is forbidden by force or women are discouraged from wearing it. The issue is seen as a means of secularizing or globalizing the Muslim states! This is, in-fact, except for two or three Muslim countries, which encourage their women to observe this ruling or at least "let it go".
The rest are on a savage war against it. Turkey is the outspoken example of such hostility, but the other regimes are not less hostile, albeit silently, towards it. Despite this fact you can find Muslim women insisting on wearing it, even if it costs them their jobs and social status ...
In fact, there is wisdom behind this heavenly command of hijab and behind Muslim women's challenge to wear it. It is that in the Islamic culture - like many other cultures - the idea of women's respectability and virtue is related, among other things, to the propriety of their dress. In Christianity for example, nuns cannot show up without their hijab. Also, regular ladies wear it while attending masses, which is a reflection of self-admission that God wants to see them this way! Also, as far as I know, in Judaism, the most religious faction amongst Jews, namely The Hassidics, have their strict rules about covering women’s bodies. Even in secular societies, some women judges have to cover their heads, during sessions, as a way to show their dignity and self-respect.
Remember that your own puritan American society, before being swept over in the 1950s, by this permissive value system, used to look with embarrassment to any woman going out to the street without her hat! Mini skirts only appeared recently together with the secular and atheist style of life that some people in the west - and the East as well - chose for themselves.
You can also tell that hijab is the way Islam neutralizes a woman's stereotyped role as a mere female, by inciting the society to deal with her as a human being away from her "extra feminine powers"! No wonder then that the majority of Muslim women refuse to let their ‘mill go with all winds’ and that they insist on keeping their Islamic identity. This is regardless of the consistent unfair criticism and sometimes satire against it. They wear hijab, not only in submission to God's order, but also because their inherent moral code is in full harmony with its philosophy.
Muslim Women should read hijab????
And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not show off their beauty and ornaments except what is (ordinarily) visible thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards God, that ye may attain Bliss.
Surah 24 Verse 31
The first reason for wearing hijab, then, is that it is a command from God. Religious Muslims - like any other religious people belonging to any revealed religion - don't feel comfortable in deliberately disobeying God! If some Muslims, despite of the semantic clarity of the Qur'anic verses, still think that this ruling is not mandatory, this will not alter the message.O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Surah 33 Verse 59
We can have some Muslims who unjustly or ignorantly deny the illegality of drinking alcohol, eating pork or even committing major sins like stealing, fornicating… etc. This does not mean that such things are permitted in Islam! In Islam it is very easy to detect or judge whether a certain ruling is mandatory or not, by going back to the major sources of Islamic legislation. This we technically name as ‘shari'a’. Those sources are the Qur'an, the Holy Book of Muslims, and sunnah, which is the sayings and guiding acts of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as stated in authentic books. So, simply this is the very same case with hijab.
Notice that this ruling of hijab, is highly esteemed among Muslim women, despite the big pressure of most regimes in the Muslim majority world to forbid it. Sometimes it is forbidden by force or women are discouraged from wearing it. The issue is seen as a means of secularizing or globalizing the Muslim states! This is, in-fact, except for two or three Muslim countries, which encourage their women to observe this ruling or at least "let it go".
The rest are on a savage war against it. Turkey is the outspoken example of such hostility, but the other regimes are not less hostile, albeit silently, towards it. Despite this fact you can find Muslim women insisting on wearing it, even if it costs them their jobs and social status ...
In fact, there is wisdom behind this heavenly command of hijab and behind Muslim women's challenge to wear it. It is that in the Islamic culture - like many other cultures - the idea of women's respectability and virtue is related, among other things, to the propriety of their dress. In Christianity for example, nuns cannot show up without their hijab. Also, regular ladies wear it while attending masses, which is a reflection of self-admission that God wants to see them this way! Also, as far as I know, in Judaism, the most religious faction amongst Jews, namely The Hassidics, have their strict rules about covering women’s bodies. Even in secular societies, some women judges have to cover their heads, during sessions, as a way to show their dignity and self-respect.
Remember that your own puritan American society, before being swept over in the 1950s, by this permissive value system, used to look with embarrassment to any woman going out to the street without her hat! Mini skirts only appeared recently together with the secular and atheist style of life that some people in the west - and the East as well - chose for themselves.
You can also tell that hijab is the way Islam neutralizes a woman's stereotyped role as a mere female, by inciting the society to deal with her as a human being away from her "extra feminine powers"! No wonder then that the majority of Muslim women refuse to let their ‘mill go with all winds’ and that they insist on keeping their Islamic identity. This is regardless of the consistent unfair criticism and sometimes satire against it. They wear hijab, not only in submission to God's order, but also because their inherent moral code is in full harmony with its philosophy.
Muslim Women should read hijab????
Believe in Allah
I know at the moment this is hard for you, but believe me you will heal. Turn to Allah, cry to Him, and beg for forgiveness. The pain will not disappear the next day but the more you turn to Allah the more your eyes will open. You will realise that this is not a punishment or a prison of pain and heartbreak, this is actually freedom. Allah has saved you from the worst thing that could have happened to you. Say Alhamdulillah, look how much Allah loves you that He took away something that would have destroyed you. The pain you are feeling now may be nothing compared to the pain you would have felt if you continued to lie to yourself with this Dunya; that would have been much worse. True love, only exists between you and your Lord, you will see it in time.... It may not feel like that now but I know you will look back and be so grateful that Allah saved you. And He has something much better planned for you. Trust Him, love Him and you will never feel that heartbreak again.
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