
Hi there,
How’s your life? Wish you okay.

Well, I am in rush bloody stress hours. Not look like an angel. I always have not alot of sexiest dreams. Dreaming that I can sail around the world with someone loves me much muaaacchhh. Making stories with you only. Then, being a wife and a mother of your children. Going to make a lil’ family. In short, I am a cool dreamer. *oops* Lately, my days changed. Totally not wrong if people thinks that I am a lebay gal. Yap, no offense about it. I admit. So, please let me tell something called confession. Let me introduce my (really) myself. *weak bow* What is it? First, I am an ordinary girl. Just really ordinary! I can smile with nothing. No causing. Crying when you tell about what life love is. Yess, I can cry suddenly when see romantic movie. Or becoming shy when somebody saying “Hey, . How beautiful you are!“. *really?* Second, I am lil’ shy in telling what I want. I prefer write what I feel than show it. But, truthly I am not a shy girl. Just can’t say when I meet somebody that steal my deepest life! My lips’s totally freezed! Stuck. *hate* They say, “speechless niyeee“. Third, last but least, I am totally sensitive about who people that love my love! *headache* Well, make it simple. I am a very very very jealousy girl! Urgh, parahnya saya. I can kill any people named ‘woman’ in da world who wants to steal my love it’s you from me. I can be a murderer if you need. Easy, it’s just my dream. Still kinds of my bad side. Deal? I am totally woman! Even people always said “Talking with u just like talking with a guy. She has a quite thinking like a man. Thinking or responsing problem logically“. Well, thanks for it. But, again I am still a girl! *hit* Need understanding more than you do, man! Oh, man. I am just telling what really you supposed to know. *please!* I wake up this morning with no smile. Why? Simple answer, I’m sad. Can’t feel what must I feel. Can’t touch what most I want. And, simple again. I just cry! Remember that you’re not allowed tobe in my dream! *sigh* I do not hate it much. Bloody hits me! I scream loudly in my heart. Why? What happen in me actually? *sigh* Oh, that’s me! What a strange girl, huh?

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

For My Boy,

From this moment, life has begun
from this moment, you are the one
right beside you is where i belong
From this moment on ...

From this moment, i have been bleesed
i live only for your happiness
and for your love i'd give my last breath
from this moment on

i give my hand to you with all my heart
i can't wait to live my life with you
i can't wait to start
you and i will never be apart
my dreams come true because of you

from this moment as long as i live
i will love you, i promise you this
there is nothing i wouldn't give
from this moment on

you're the reason i believe in love
and you're the answer to my prayers from up above
all we need is just the two of us
my dreams come true because of you

This is dedicate to my Darling
he who accpte me the way i am
no matter im good or not
he who forgive all my mistake
he who waking me up when im fall down
he who always make me spirit
he give me shine when im in drakness

I love him ,,, i know he is my true LOVE
Certain people are gonna 
try and stop me being with you
but i love you too much
to care, End of.....

My Galery

Hari yang melelahkan,, fiuhhhhhhhhhh........ 
dari tugas yang menumpuk,,, sampaiiiiiiiiii even even yang bejibun!!!!!!!!!!! whoooaaaaaaaa
sampai ni malem gag bisa istirahat :'(
tapi tidak apalah, masih muda gini,,, be spirittttttttttt Idaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sebentar Lagi USA ada di genggamanMu,, lhoh???
eitzzzz,, jgn salah paham.. bukannya mau nyainggggiiiiiii OBAMA... cuman dapat contract kerja
jarang-jarang kan kesempatan jadi guru international
wah ternyata bahasa Indonesia di jadikan bahan ajar di 46 negara di DUNIA??
waooooooo ya salahsatunya negara Adikuasa Amerika Serikat,,,

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

awwwwwww become mad hahaha


Hahahhaha forever ALONE :P

MY little uncle,, as WS Pamungkas Indonesia

So, this is my little uncle.... his age just same like me,, 20 years..... his fav hobby is SIllat
u know sillat??? its like kungfu
but silat is a sport from Indonesia.......

Selamat datang di WS Pamungkas

A. Sekarang marabahaya bukan hanya pukulan tangan dan tendangan kaki, tetapi sudah berkembang seirama dengan perkembangan modernisasi dan industri, karena itu Seni Beladiri yang menyentuh ragawi dan kekuatan kebatinan atau kerohanian adalah menjadi tuntutan kehidupan.
B. Sebuah pelajaran di masa lalu berbunyi “Berlatihlah Kamu Memanah & Menunggang Kuda Agar Mampu Menegakkan Kebenaran Di Tengah Kezaliman”.
C. Raga yang sehat terdapat rohani yang sehat pula.

Dari pemahaman A, B dan C ini, maka belajar seni beladiri untuk maksud “KESEHATAN” mampu mengembangkan power beladiri hukumnya “WAJIB” dan mengembangkan olah beladiri “WS PAMUNGKAS” adalah suatu ibadah.
Sebagai kesatuan ilmu beladiri dan kesehatan maka Pernafasan Inti Tenaga Dalam WS Pamungkas dapat dipelajari oleh siapa saja dan untuk agama apapun juga, karena WS Pamungkas bukanlah aliran kepercayaan, keagamaan & politis.
Sebagai organisasi sosial yang beraktifitas pada olah raga, olah nafas dan olah batin, WS Pamungkas secara sah terangkum dalam AD/ART WS Pamungkas yang dibina oleh pihak Kepolisian dan Kemiliteran dengan Badan Hukum Lembaga No  : 01/09/11/2009 TPN :33/2009/PN.SKH. Serta sebagai anggota Ikatan Beladiri Tenaga Dalam Indonesia {IBETADO} Sehinga mutu dan kualitas serta gunanya telah terjamin dengan baik, tidak mengarah kepada penyimpangan atau SARA.
adalah lafadz yang mendasari penggalian kekuatan, baik yang difungsikan untuk kesehatan, penyembuhan serta penjernihan pikiran. Pengembangan kharisma, wibawa maupun fungsi kesaktian beladiri, sehingga dapat memperdalam atau memperkokoh iman & ketauhidan bagi yang mempelajarinya. Disini reflek beladiri yang terpendam dalam diri dibangkitkan dengan P I - P IX Disalurkan untuk daya serang abstrak maupun fisik dengan jurus penyaluran, pertahanan dsb.
Beladiri WS Pamungkas mempelajari seni beladiri batiniah untuk mempengaruhi musuh agar takhluk dan hormat. Tanpa konflik fisik atau perkelahian dalam bahasa jawanya “Menang tanpa ngasorake” ilmu mempengaruhi musuh ini terangkum dalam seni ilmu beladiri WS Pamungkas.

Pada mulanya orang ragu-ragu dengan materi kontrofersial diselengarakan oleh Perguruan WS Pamungkas {15 x latihan dapat memecahkan besi baja} yang pada umumnya diperlukan bertahun-tahun namun setelah fakta dan bukti lapangan menunjukan benar dari seluruh hal yang diinformasikan maka WS Pamungkas berkembang sangat pesat.

you can open this link for more info guysss........................

For my LOVE

From that first moment, we made a connection
there was that sanse that i have known
you for a long time and that our
relationship was mean to be
i love you Jaan
you are number one for me
you are the strow to my berry
tum sa pyar krti hun


i love you more than you ever know
i love you more than you ever see
more than my heart could ever show
i love you more than you ever know

nice words

** Those who gossip with you, will gossip about you...
**I could name a thousand reasons why I hate you, but I could
**If you cant see the bright side of life, polish the dull side. name a million reasons why I love you.
**You can fake your smiles and laughters, but you can never fake your tears and feelings
**If you forgive too much, people get used to hurt you.
**All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.
**It doesnt matter how big you suceed in life, its how humble you are in person that matters
**We can talk frankly about our defects only to those who recognise our qualities.
**Don’t cry over anyone who won’t cry over you.
**Don’t let anyone’s ignorance, hate, drama or negativity stop you from being the best person you can be.
**Each successful person has a painful story and each painful story has a successful ending. Accept the pain & achieve the gain.
**Its better to love someone you can’t have, than have someone you can’t love.
**Things come when you don’t need it anymore. That’s life.

Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

My Fun Time Piczz

ME and my best FRIEND

Me,dessy, and some work relations
finishd Mechanic's paperrr... :(
Focus.. Focus..
hahaha my glasess biger than my face :P
My lovely sister from pakistan
on CAM ,, just not clear :P
Iseng Iseng ajaaa sisters and brother

fun time with my students


hahahahahahaa lolzzzzzzz

How to make your students love you???

model :
Ida Nufary
some students from SDN

How to make your Students Love You

It is never automatic for your students to grow feeling of attractiveness for you. They are not just interested in you merely because you are cute or handsome. Well, of course, that would help a lot. But, there are more to attraction than just being physically attractive. Being born with admirable physical qualities is of course an advantage, and being less attractive than the commonly accepted standards can be really diminishing, especially if it has something to do with teaching.
You possibly get to meet your students on daily basis. The subject you are teaching does not really help you with your attempt of being attractive. The subject can be overly challenging or lamely boring. Well, it’s your job as a teacher to make your subject highly interesting. But, it is also your responsibility to make YOU attractive. Being an attractive teacher may help your students understand your love for your major and why they should follow suit.
To be attractive is one thing, to make your students grow love for you is another. Fortunately, attraction is one big step for your students to finally decide that you deserve their love. So, indeed, the title is just a gimmick, reading this would not help you gain your students love. It will, however, help you gain your students attention to watch you and get interested in you on a very personal level, so personal they do not recognize their feelings grow and coming the way you have designed it to be.
Yes. You can plan this and you can design ways to get your students attraction over you and, with high hope, over your subjects.
As I set out before, if you happen to be luckily born with positive physical traits, it would a great advantage. You need to use it wisely, because the more important things are coming. I have to warn you before reading ahead of the fact that I never came up with this idea; it’s a cumulative understanding after years of extensive experiments and research. I read a lecture transcript of a psychology class on the web* and interested to apply the principles for manipulating your students into thinking that you are attractive for them. In the lecture, professor Peter is talking about attraction in general, I wonder if there is a way to accommodate the principles for classroom use.
Alright, so the first is being born handsome. Unfortunately, not everyone can get that. Let us assume you are just born as a mediocrity in terms of physical traits. People do not find you handsome, you pack some fat on your belly, and you are definitely not well-built and totally not tall. If you are a woman, you may find yourself overly chubby, you are not the sexiest creature on earth, and people find you just as any mother can be (yes, they think you are a mother). OK, that’s not a nice picture of mediocrity, but we they shall suffice for our purpose.
Point taken: you are not handsome. Let’s not get down with this because the first three factors I am going to elaborate later are actually quite favorable even for not so handsome teacher. They are similarity, familiarity and proximity.
Do not make an exhaustive list of things you like and things you don’t like and compare it with each of your students similar lists. It may be useful for future references, but it would kill the very purpose of designing these steps to lead your students into believing you are attractive. Instead, you have to find things your students like and like them yourself.
It is not only about like and dislike, though. The point is you have to find common ground on which you can agree with and if there is no such thing, create one.
Talk their language, cut off formality. You have to be someone they can easily associate with in their daily life. The goal is to make them think of you every seconds of their life. Well, there are many practical ways to do these, but you really have to think it through. Being familiar with someone can also means having your things in their house, or your picture, business cards, and the list can go on. What you have to do is to remind them of you even when you are not physically there with them.
Get close to them. You above everything else should be easy to reach. They should not be bound to make an appointment just to see you. Put it simply your availability for them is incessant. Do not take holidays unless you really have to even when you are not teaching. It shows to them that you are close to them even when you are not in class. You are close to them not only when you are teaching.
Three less interesting factors to make your students love you are similarities, familiarities and proximity. Those three should add more power to your innate handsomeness. But, there are three more as I have promised to elaborate. These three should be done with caution and well-planned if you want to play with your students’ mind.
First impression is everything for teachers. Of course, you can always improve your reputation as time goes by, but strong image are gained in the very first meeting you. You can research on how to present yourself positively your own, I will not elaborate them here, and my point is as follows.
You should start lower and grow your love gradually and this stages of your care for your students growing higher and higher over a period of time is a compulsory factor. Remember, starting low never means giving low impression on the first meeting. You should show the best in you on their first vision of you and as time goes by you should reveal the better part of you. Starting really high would catch their attention but it is a huge responsibility to get it even higher for the coming meetings. Yet, it is possible.
This is called the blunder effect. Incompetent teachers are lame. Over competent teacher is intimidating. No one likes a smart-ass know-all kind of guy, nor do they like a dumb, stupid teacher. They adore our competence of teacher, sometimes if you are an English teacher and occasionally talk about math or physics, that would be lovely. They will see you as a competent individual. That you are meant to be a teacher, regardless of the subject, you just happen to love English more.
Let us get back to the blunder effect. When you are overly competent, that is you never make a single mistake, you never humiliate yourself in front of your students, you are just as lame as an incompetent teacher. You are boring.
You know the reason why our president is even more popular, or likely to be notorious – but the fame factor is still there, right? – after the issue of Century Bank is heated by the media. Even the most seemingly flawless person must fall some times. Take Bill Clinton, after Lewinsky, he really takes the plunge into popularity. People will think, “well, he is human, after all. Nobody’s perfect.”
Right, nobody’s perfect, perfection is intimidating. So, once in a while you as a teacher should take the blunder. Make silly mistakes, humiliate yourself. Words of caution, though, take the blunder only when your students already perceive you as a competent individual, all things being equal.
All things being equal is tricky, because that means you have to possess previous factors such as similarity, familiarity and proximity along with your gradual revelation of you as an individual before you can take the blunder. So, make sure you really are competent, your students think so, and then, take the blunder. So goes the blunder effect.
This one is really interesting. Have you ever heard a girl who is going out on a date with a guy, and by the end of the date the girl decides to start seeing the guy more often? They have coffee, and fifteen to twenty minutes later, the guy starts holding her hands, and she feels her heartbeat climbing. It’s not the hand, it’s the coffee. The girl misattributes the hand for the coffee.
You, too, teachers, need to make your students misattribute their bodily symptoms occasionally. Make their heartbeat run faster before you start the day. Make them excited before tests. Stretch out a bit before you start a game. It’s not only heartbeat. it’s everything a classroom atmosphere you can control ranging from music to lighting. It’s pretty awesome way to start a class anyway.
Do not forget that by having proximity with your students, get close with your students, you can widen the domain of their misattribution to outside your class. Be creative.
So here I am. Most of my students love me. They don’t know why. They just do. What they do not know, their minds are playing tricks on them, and I have the key to their mind. OK, I am bubbling and I am proud of myself. Perhaps, they don’t love me that deeply, perhaps they don’t love me at all. I am sure, though, although I am not handsome, short and chubby (although that’s kind of cute…) that they are so attracted to me that they never want to leave my class. That’s enough as a start.


i walk with the shine of sun

 'You say you do. but yet your not really sure, thats why your constantly changing the rule, you sleep with one eye open the other tired from the strain, you get lost in the questions you ask yourself daily, like a fist beaten against the brain,

If, when, why, what?

But still you say you have the best

I know you got,what you got

I say dont knock on my heart
because yours still beats in my chest
at night when i dream i taste the salt on my lips
tears I cry for every word youve said

There used to be guilt for my sins
until I pulled down the confinement of everything you did
i almost hated you
but then i out witted you once again, because that would mean youd win

You almost had me forgetten who i was, Afraid of feeling alive,

Yeah i was low stagering down and out
feeling kinda worthless
walking around like a blind minion

I dont know what your logic was
but I know what made me see
through the crimson blur you created from me
a girl who dreamed and believed
from your withered flower a rose has bud

I walk with the shine of sun
Once again Im able to enjoy the feeling of fun
no longer is it a short lived emotion with no where to go
so i say to you fare well indeed
may the bed of brittle glass and liquid amber

i cant stop craying today

I can't stop crying today
My world walked out the door
With her she took my heart
For I will love no more

The hours passed like seconds

When our two hearts were one
The seconds passed like hours
After she said that she was done

She was going to love me forever

At least that is what she said
Her heart belonged to someone else
That is what her letter read

I no longer live in color

My world is black and white
I always wonder what she is doing
As I lie awake at night

I hope tomorrow is better

This is what I pray
But right now my heart is broken
I can't stop crying today


life is something you cant trust
whether it be with you heart, love, or lust
but loves a fire you cant put out
its doesnt grow cold it doesnt give out
when someone says they will love you forever
Forever isnt that long
the love gives out or someone grows bored
or someone goes caotic from something they heard
the end result is never even good
cause, forever isnt that long
it might seem like you love them for them
but you dont really know who they are
you find real soon and you dont like it anymore
guess what??
forever isnt that long

© By Stephanie La Scala

Your eyes are the stars that shine so bright,

Your arms are the blanket that wraps me tight.
Your body's my shield that protects me from harm,
Your touch is my teddy bear, soft and warm.
Your hand is the tissue that dries my tears,
Your strength is my sword that fights my fears.
Your smile's my sun that brightens my days,
Your kiss is the wind that takes my breath away.
Your hair is the sky as black as night,
Your laughter's a child so full of life.
Your voice is the lullaby that sings me to sleep,
Your lips are a candy so juicy and sweet.
Your'e the answer to my prayers from up above,
The one who will always have my love.
I love you