
Hi there,
How’s your life? Wish you okay.

Well, I am in rush bloody stress hours. Not look like an angel. I always have not alot of sexiest dreams. Dreaming that I can sail around the world with someone loves me much muaaacchhh. Making stories with you only. Then, being a wife and a mother of your children. Going to make a lil’ family. In short, I am a cool dreamer. *oops* Lately, my days changed. Totally not wrong if people thinks that I am a lebay gal. Yap, no offense about it. I admit. So, please let me tell something called confession. Let me introduce my (really) myself. *weak bow* What is it? First, I am an ordinary girl. Just really ordinary! I can smile with nothing. No causing. Crying when you tell about what life love is. Yess, I can cry suddenly when see romantic movie. Or becoming shy when somebody saying “Hey, . How beautiful you are!“. *really?* Second, I am lil’ shy in telling what I want. I prefer write what I feel than show it. But, truthly I am not a shy girl. Just can’t say when I meet somebody that steal my deepest life! My lips’s totally freezed! Stuck. *hate* They say, “speechless niyeee“. Third, last but least, I am totally sensitive about who people that love my love! *headache* Well, make it simple. I am a very very very jealousy girl! Urgh, parahnya saya. I can kill any people named ‘woman’ in da world who wants to steal my love it’s you from me. I can be a murderer if you need. Easy, it’s just my dream. Still kinds of my bad side. Deal? I am totally woman! Even people always said “Talking with u just like talking with a guy. She has a quite thinking like a man. Thinking or responsing problem logically“. Well, thanks for it. But, again I am still a girl! *hit* Need understanding more than you do, man! Oh, man. I am just telling what really you supposed to know. *please!* I wake up this morning with no smile. Why? Simple answer, I’m sad. Can’t feel what must I feel. Can’t touch what most I want. And, simple again. I just cry! Remember that you’re not allowed tobe in my dream! *sigh* I do not hate it much. Bloody hits me! I scream loudly in my heart. Why? What happen in me actually? *sigh* Oh, that’s me! What a strange girl, huh?

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

me and my DAD hehehehehe

True :(

Dear ^_^


Dear Allaah..
I come to you, as humbly as
i know how i confess my sins , those known and unknown. Iam not perfect and i fall short everyday of my life, bt i want to take time out to say thank you for your mercy, my health, my family and my friends.
The roof over my head, food on my table and everything you gave me. Thank you soo much,my Dear Allaah.

O Allah give me, in this month, a very large share from Thy boundless mercy, let me keep to the right way that leads on to Thy evident clear Signs (Muhammad and Aali Muhammad), and for the sake of Thy love and kindness direct my behaviour, from every angle, unto that which pleases Thee, O the Ultimate Hope of those who eagerly desire fulfillment.

 If Allah answers your prayer,Allah is increasing your Faith.

If Allah delays,Allah is increasing your patience and testing you.

If Allah Does'nt answer,then Allah has better plans for your Future and Hereafter.

Verily Allah is the best ''Planner''.

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

a women loses the debate with a muslim women


This video is already on youtube. I am just adding it as a responce to this vdo to clear the concept and reason out. Why there is no need to sit and a discussion about hijab. It is obvious but some people don't see it. So its for them.

for my Future Hubby

see my Video Here ,,,, 
i dedicate this Video to my future hubby, i love you my jaan,, i cant wait to life my live with you
hehehehe i should be patient till next year, cus we have so much planing now <3
Jaan, we are ONE
thanks for everything and for every support u give for me <3
once again, THANKS

u r the reasson i believe in LOVE


" ingat...!!!!"

Sesibuk apapun waktu yang kau gunakan
dalam sehari........

:: Luangkanah waktumu untuk ... ::
:: Sholat wajib/sunah
:: Sholat Tahajud 
:: Baca Al Quran
dan Mendoakan :

Diri sendiri..
Orang Tua.. Keluarga..
Orang sakit..
Musuh (orang-orang yang membenci)
(sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membenci dialah yang terputus)
sahabat-sahabat sepenanggungan
sodara-sodara muslim :)

In Sha Allah, ... Jodoh, Rizky, dan Mati dalam kerelaan...

INGAT!!! dua setengah persen untuk Fakir Miskin





Ya Allah... tunjukilah jalan hidupku, tunjukkan jalan-jalan yang engkau senangi, rumah-rumah yang engkau ridlohi, dan buah-buah yang engkau rahmati. Biar aku dapat melalui dengan hati yang tenang, biar aku dapat memasukinya dengan jiwa yang damai, dan biar aku dapat menikmati dengan nafas yang aman sentosa...    Bukankah Engkau(Allah) adalah yang maha tahu, maka tunjukkanlah semua itu.
    Salam damai dari-Mu semoga menyatu dalam roh ku, ampunan-ampunanMu semoga melibas dosa-dosa ku, dan cinta kasih-Mu semoga membasuh seluruh kehidupanku. Hanya kepada Engkau, sekali lagi hanya kepada Engkau , ya Allah, yaa Tuhanku,,, aku memohon dan menggantugkan seluruh hidupku.
    Biarkanlah apa yang aku minta, kabulkanlah apa yang aku damba, dan lekaslah Engkau mengadiahkan setiap apa yang aku puja- yaitu : kecerdasan, keshalihan, kecukupan, kearifan, kemuliaan, keimanan, ketaqwaan, keamanan, keselamatan, kesehatan, kebahagiaan, kedamaian, penjagaan, suami yang setia, dan kaya hati di dunia ini dan di akhert nanti. Bersamamu segalanya akan menjadi kenyataan, maka jadikanlah aku kekasih-Mu. Aku takut jika aku kehilangan senyum-Mu :'( karena aku tahu aku tidak akan bisa melewati dunia ini tanpa diri-Mu.
    Ya Allah,,, inilah yang aku panjatkan dalam setiap kesempatan, tapi masih ada yang terlupakan.. yaitu:
kakak kandungku
orang-orang yang membenci aku.
Semoga mereka Engkau anugerahi segala do'a yang telah aku haturkan ke pangkuan-Mu. Ameen,, ya Robbal'allamin..
    Dan izinkan aku menutup semua ini dengan lantunan shalawat serta salam keharibaan Nabi Mu Muhammad sang pemberi syafaat di hari Kiamat. Semoga aku termasuk orang-orang yang ada di bawah panji-panjinya yang akan melindungi manusia dari segala lara saat bangkit dari alam barzah. Dan Hisablah aku dengan seringan-ringannya hisab, dan masukkanlah aku ke dalam surga-Mu dengan cepat. Allahu Allah... Allahu Allah.... Allahu Allah.... Laa ilaha illallah Muhammadarrasulullah, ^_^

    di pagi yang cerah, dengan rahmat Allah SWT ^_^ i write this note ^_^